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Click Your Heels My Dear

For the better part of 50 years, I have had what is easiest to describe as a bad attitude. I've gone through life, like most people, experiencing my share of hardships, some caused by myself and some caused by others. Overwhelmingly, the result of these incidents has left me feeling bitter, resentful, and weak. I have certainly had my share of "poor me" moments when I blamed others, or the world, for every mishap I encountered. It is so easy to lash out when things are not going your way, to wish that others would behave differently. To believe that everything would be just perfect if only "they" would be more fair, more reasonable, more like you want them to be.

But what if we are thinking about this all backwards? What if the universe actually responds to the way we think? What if we have far more sway over our lives than we give ourselves credit for? In fact, quantum physics has shown that this is absolutely the case. Our thoughts create our reality; what we focus on is what we manifest into reality. When we look at the things we experience as negative, we necessarily invite more negativity into our existence. If, however, we fill our thoughts with positivity, that is what we summon into our lives. The beauty of this universal law is that we are in complete control over our present and future. Whatever kind of energy we present is what we get back in return.

Think about it as our internal GPS. If we continuously plug in the same pessimistic information, it has no choice but to deliver us to the same defeatist destination repeatedly. Only when we decide to change the data that we provide will this predictable system change course. Our subconscious mind responds to whatever we tell it to be so. Can you see how incredibly powerful this knowledge is once you accept it as absolute truth?

The governing force in our universe is energy; modern science backs up this principle. Everything is made of energy and operates at the level of frequency. Nicola Tesla once said "if you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Like energy attracts like energy...therefore if you are emitting a low vibrational frequency, you will only attract back the same. If you learn how to train your brain to release high frequency vibrations, that is what you must draw in.

An analogy that substantiates this concept is that of the gardener. Should a handful of vegetable seeds be planted and nurtured, all that can grow is a plentiful crop of vegetables. If instead a patch of poison ivy is cultivated, all that can germinate is more poison ivy. No matter how hard you try, the poison ivy will never be transformed into a harvest of delicious edible plants. The same idea holds true for your negative thoughts; they cannot be transformed into a positive outcome. Just as the Bible states "as you sew, so shall you reap."

This all may seem quite unbelievable, but you can prove its validity by simply putting it into practice and watching the results. It won't take long before you see results, and you'll become a firm believer. Your current situation will improve by leaps and bounds. Once you know that this power lies within you, you can harness it any time you wish and take control of the direction of your life. There is no need to wait for anyone or anything to tell you it's time. Just like Dorothy discovered at the end of her journey in the classic Wizard of have had the power all along my dear. Own your power.

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